Browsing Archive: July, 2013

One off event bookings

Posted by Fiona Anderson. on Friday, July 26, 2013,
I get a number of one off event bookings, including 2 different ones recently.

The first was for the London College of Communication, who were having a wellness day, with tai chi as part of that. We all went to a park near to the college, where there were lovely trees and flowers to practise among; a beautiful setting.

With everyone being a beginner, I concentrated on things that everyone could follow and feel good - a mixture of warm ups, tai chi  walking, single forms, with a bit of chi kung ...
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Tai Chi for the elderly

Posted by Fiona Anderson. on Friday, July 26, 2013,
At a recent event, I was asked if tai chi is suitable for the elderly. While I was reassuring the asker that people at the club I go to include those in their seventies and eighties, it suddenly struck me that I don't think of these friends as "elderly". This is because they do the same training as everyone else and show none of the infirmities of age.

Indeed doing chi kung with one of those guys leading can be very challenging for the younger ones, as he goes on forever, like a chi kung mach...
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Chi Kung (qigong) practice

Posted by Fiona Anderson. on Friday, July 26, 2013,
Chi Kung (qigong) means "breath work". I like to start my mornings with a bit of chi kung in the garden, then picking the blackberries straight off the  bramble to  savour, mmm :)

Since Chi Kung means working with the breathing, the first thing you learn is how to breath deeply. In modern life, most people are shallow breathers, only breathing in and out from the top of the lungs. This means that the air at the bottom of the lungs doesn't get changed often and can be very stale. It's better to...
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MIND on Wednesdays,Whitethorn St, E13

Posted by Fiona Anderson. on Friday, July 26, 2013,
On Wednesdays I do a drop in session at MIND in Tower Hamlets.  This is a free class, and open to anyone to drop into.

As well as the known health benefits of tai chi, it's also very good for helping relieve mental issues.

In the short term, this is because the need to concentrate on the precise movements will take your mind out of your negative thought spiral. It's also helpful doing something that you're all helping each other improve, which gives you back some control in at least one area of...
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