Browsing Archive: January, 2015

peacefulness through mindfulness

Posted by Fiona Anderson. on Thursday, January 15, 2015,
Last night I was practising one side of a san shou on my own (for those who haven't tried san shou, it's a two person set), and was happily just thinking about where my feet were and what they were doing. This is the essence of mindfulness - feeling one part of your body, rather than being subject to the storm of thoughts.

My own teacher complimented me afterwards on how peacefully I'd been doing it and I realised that my form had improved generally through just one thing.

I've been having som...
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Happy New Year

Posted by Fiona Anderson. on Monday, January 5, 2015,
As the title says, Happy New Year to everyone!

After a holiday spent indulging in concentrated eating, drinking, fun and presents, time to get back into the normal routine, This is a great opportunity to take stock of things at home (recycling, cleaning, tossing out, starting new projects), but also to take stock of things in life too.

It's easy to get into habits, without thinking, yet we all have only one life, so thinking about what makes our life a positive experience and what doesn't is es...
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