London Tai Chi Instructors has ceased trading.

    We suggest you contact the

      Tai Chi Union for Great Britain to find an instructor.

Travelling instructors

Perhaps people in your work place, office, club, clinic or hospital have been talking how they'd like to take up tai chi, but can't get to a gym?

Well, no problem! Our professional instructors can come to you. We provide several types of service:

  1. Tai Chi for Individuals
  2. Tai Chi for Groups
  3. Tai Chi for Corporate Classes or Events
  4. Tai Chi for one-off events

 1. Tai Chi for Individuals

      Learn in your own home or garden – our instructors will      travel to you.

As an individual, you can choose to have a package tailored to your own personal inclination – whether you want more tai chi or more chi kung, whether you want traditional form practise, or to work your way through the separate form exercises of tai chi. Just talk to your instructor.

2. Tai Chi for Groups

It's not only great fun to learn in a group, but also a good way to get to know people, without the pressure of other social situations.

In a group, you are likely to feel less self-conscious, with everyone just working on the same thing, and making mistakes together. Making mistakes is an essential part of learning, but everyday work is so focussed on achieving things by deadlines, that mistakes are often harshly criticised, causing people to feel more anxious and achieve less than they would in a more considerate atmosphere.

Relaxation is the key to becoming good at tai chi and this means mental relaxation as well as physical. So many people feel stressed and under pressure these days, that it's becoming necessary to learn how to relax!

Learning together, having fun together, getting to know people while also getting healthier – is great for de-stressing and relaxation.

Your instructors will be kind and patient – if people enjoy themselves, they can relax and de-stress, and feel the benefits of tai chi and chi kung, both mentally and physically.

3. Tai Chi for corporate classes or events

Corporate clients may require either ongoing classes for their staff, or single sessions for events, such as before a working breakfast, or as part of an awayday.

Our instructors have a great deal of experience of providing tai chi for every size of group, from small to very large groups for various types of organisations and their varying requirements.

Instructors aim to make the sessions accessible and enjoyable for all participants, with the slow gentle exercise inspiring people to feel meditative and relaxed yet energised at the same time.

4. Tai Chi for one-off events

At various times of year, our instructors provide sessions for part of various events held all over London. If you wish, the session can be tailored to your particular requirements. We have provided everything from single instructors for local community events, to multiple instructors for huge events such as those held at Alexandra Palace.